This pretty purple plant has a wide variety of benefits and uses. Quite possibly the most well know and widely used essential oil, we thought this would be perfect for the month of love.

1. Lavender helps improve sleep quality
Lavender oil is probably best known for its calming or sleep inducing effects. Research shows lavender essential oil can significantly improve sleep quality. By adding a few drops of lavender oil to your pillow every evening before bed you can drift off to dreamland and get a good night’s rest, naturally.
2. Lavender can help reduce anxiety
In addition to improving sleep quality, lavender can also help reduce anxiety levels. Inhaling lavender essential oil daily for 15 days has been shown to reduce anxiety. When you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, simple take out your oil and inhale, exhale.
3. Lavender can reduce pain
Lavender essential oil is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic which makes it an effective pain reliever for mild to moderate pain. Lavender can help with osteoarthritis pain, neck pain, back pain, and even period pain and cramping. simply rub in some lavender oil mixed with a base oil (like coconut or jojoba) to the painful area for natural pain relief.
4. Lavender can relieve migraine headaches
Lavender may also be beneficial in reducing the tension and pain of a headache and migrations because of its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties. You can either inhale the essential oil or rub lavender oil mixed with a carrier oil on your pressure points such as temples and the nape of your neck.
5. Lavender can assist in wound healing
Lavender oil has some incredible properties to help with healing minor wounds. Lavender can help promote healing by contracting the wound and speed up the process of repairing tissue. Using a high grade essential oil (yes, there are different grades, make sure you select a high grade oil for wound care) mix 4 drops of lavender oil to half ounce of vitamin e cream or coconut oil and apply to the minor wound.
6. Lavender can ease a sunburn
Due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and its ability to assist with skin healing, lavender makes a great remedy to ease a sunburn. Add a few drops to aloe vera gel or mix up a spray with lavender essential oil to help take the sting out of that burn. Add peppermint essential oil for extra cooling power.
7. Lavender is great for skin
You can also use lavender oil as a facial toner by mixing two drops of lavender oil with one teaspoon of witch hazel. Soak a cotton ball in the blend and then gently rub it over your face. For a particularly stubborn pimple, use argan oil as your carrier oil to help reduce inflammation. Mix one drop of lavender oil with a drop of argan oil and put it directly onto a pimple twice a day. You can also reduce wrinkles but adding lavender oil to some coconut oil and use as a moisturizer.
8. Lavender is known for its antimicrobial properties
Another well known lavender oil benefit is its antimicrobial action. For centuries, it has been used topically to help combat bacterial and fungal infections.
By combining it with coconut oil you can also help reduce psoriasis and eczema. The lavender oil helps cleanse your skin and lessen redness and irritation.
To use this essential oil for psoriasis and eczema, mix two drops with an equal amount of tea tree oil, along with two teaspoons of coconut oil. You can use it daily.
9. Lavender promotes hair growth
There are some studies showing lavender use as a hair growth promoting agent. When combined with other essential oils including thyme, rosemary and cedarwood it has been shown to significantly improve hair loss in alopecia areata (spot baldness) when massaged into the scalp daily. Again, make sure to use a carrier oil.
10. Lavender can be used in the treatment of head lice
Head lice are a common and annoying childhood problem that runs rampant throughout schools + daycares. Lavender oil is an effective option when addressing head lice and can also help prevent lice infestations. It works particularly well when combined with tea tree oil And a carrier oil such as coconut oil. Add lavender and tea tree oil to coconut oil and massage the oil into hair + scalp and leave for 2 hours. Shampoo hair, rinse and then apply conditioner. proceed as directed with a nit comb, then rinse and dry hair as normal. It is recommended to repeat this at 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10 days for best results.
There are dozen more uses, but these are our top 10. Let us know if you have any other favorite uses or recipes! Tag us in instagram @our.creative.nest or #naturallycreative
