I can't believe we are heading into the last month of QUARTER ONE of the new year already! This is the time when everyone's New Year goals are fading in the rearview mirror and things start to get hazy. We don't want to look up at the end of summer, panicking because we've made minimal progress on our goals...so, to curb this concept, Mysha and I compiled a list of songs that keep us pumped and motivated to keep climbing toward those beautiful goals we set back in December. Now, the novelty has worn off and the gym is becoming more empty every week...how are you staying motivated?!
Both of our families have been fighting off sickness lately; sorry for the delayed blog posts, I'm stilll playing catchup this week and just starting to feel myself again! We are continuing to work hard at our (professional) goal to build content here, as well as on social media (are you following us on Pinterest, FB, + Instagram?!) and decided we needed a new motivator to push us through quarter one of 2020 stronger than ever!!
We are both highly motivated by music. Every time we hang out, we quickly connect someone's phone to a speaker to play a random channel on Pandora or Spotify. So we decided to each compile al list of our favorite motivational tunes in Spotify to share with you! We each have unique tastes in music and I think our lists will help you get to know us a little better too!

My list is mostly country across 4 decades (it speaks to my old soul), but proof that I am my mother's + father's daughter, there's lots of 80s rock & roll to pump it up as well. When I listen to my playlist at the gym, I just hit shuffle and almost laugh when a song pops up because it could be anything and perfectly articulates some part of my life! As to be expected, Mysha's list is epic and so creative! Check them out here:
Ashley's list
Mysha's lists
We hope you really enjoy our lists and will tag us when you're listening with #naturallycreative!
